Free 0843 UK virtual number, FREE 10mins SIP calls to UK, Europe and Australia, plus a, free SIP account, SMS UK 5p
If you want to call UK, Europe or Austria, you can have a try to get Free 10mins from VoIPtalk, it is a trading name of Telappliant Ltd Co. in UK, Registered number: 04632756. Besides you can also get a 0843 UK number routed to your sip to receive free incoming calls, and you can get more than 1 sip account, this sip account can make free calls to sip address and receive incoming calls free.
Register for a VoIPtalk account and start making free calls with your IP Phone! A VoIPtalk account also enables you to call users on up to 400 other VoIP networks for free. You also get FREE 10 minutes of call time as a small bonus from us to allow you to start making calls to non-VoIP destinations.
Sign up for free with VoIPtalk & call other VoIP users around the world for free. All you need is a VoIP softphone or VoIP Device configured with your account details and you can make free calls straight away!
1. Sign up---->
2. activate your account by click the email activate link---->
3. you will receive sip account ID and server/domain in your email, and also a 0843 UK virtual number--->
4. login to your account----->
5. Click on VoIPtalk ID to view VoIPtalk (SIP) Password---->
Account Details |
6. now you can make free 10mins sip call to UK, Europe or Australia by using SIP, you can use sip voip softphone like eyebeam---->
7. if you want to route the Virtual number to others sip or voip provider or device, you can click on your 0843 number to set it up---->
Route Configuration |
8. if you want to see where is the 10mins, you can click "VIEW" at ACCOUNT BALANCE.
if you want to test the virtual 0843 UK phone number works or not, you can ask your friend in UK to call, you friend will be charged 5p/min for the calls, OR you can add this phone0843 to your rebtel contact to make FREE unlimited test call for 10 seconds.
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